You can make a difference. Performing Arts Scholarships and Events, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization, where all donations are tax deductible. 

Your donation allows us to provide a meaningful experience for our students at an affordable rate! In the past, donations have covered the cost of:

Wheelchair ramp, wheelchair accessible door, t-shirts, classroom activity equipment, scholarships, props and costumes, bus rentals, and portable ballet bars.


SPS New England, Inc

Catherine Batchelder, in honor of Caroline Clavin

Elizabeth Farrel, in honor of Caroline Clavin

Orange Leaf Methuen

Linda Tuthill, in honor of Caroline Clavin

Genevieve Tuthill, in honor of Caroline Clavin

Randy Welch, in honor of Jason Welch

Institute of Savings

Doris L. Benz Trust

Angel Eaton

Newburyport 5 Cent Savings

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about our students and their hard work! 

There's no better way to make an impact than to become an advocate for the performing arts for those with special needs by sharing our information on social media or via other sources. Simply copy and paste our home page to share today!

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